When babies are teething they can get fussy and feel uncomfortable. It’s perfectly okay to let your baby chew on a teething ring as long as it is hard and solid.
You need to start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first tooth comes in. This gets the baby used to something touching his or her teeth and sets them on the path for good oral hygiene. Baby teeth are just as important as adult teeth. They allow your child to chew well. Also, they act as natural space maintainers for future adult teeth. Badly neglected baby teeth can damage permanent teeth that are still developing. Also, premature loss of baby teeth can lead to permanent, or adult, teeth coming in incorrectly causing issues with the bite.
To avoid cavities, we recommend:
- Brushing twice a day
- Fluoride – it keeps the outside layer of the teeth strong. Use a toothpaste with fluoride. It is also good to drink fluoridated water.
- Limiting sugary snacks and drinks. Bacteria that are naturally present on the tooth surface produce acid when exposed to sugar, and acid causes cavities.
We strongly advise against children going to bed with a bottle of juice or milk. We recommend water only at bedtime. Please give our caring team a call if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s developing smile!